As it turns out Hugo isn't such a bad movie. I'm not sure what qualified it for all the awards but I'm not always sure how most movies rise to the ranks of the "best".
The only downfall for me in Hugo was that once we actually found out what the movie was about we learned that its biggest role was as an extended PSA for film preservation in specific and the film industry in general. Perhaps I was viewing it from too cynical of a position but Scorsese's involvement in both of those efforts colored my view of the films intentions like a black and white film painstakingly tinted for additional effect. However, where the tinting effect was revolutionary in its time these blatant strokes of the modern film activist stuck out as an unnecessary "improvement" to an otherwise effective film.
Perhaps the wider audience accepts Scorsese's imagery of the preservation of the film allowing for the preservation of the man. I just found it to be a little heavy handed especially considering the careful attention to detail and steady hand required for a skilled clock maker, magician or storyteller.