
Saturday, January 12, 2013

What Ray Lewis and Jason Whitlock taught me about Justice

I've got a real problem with justice. I want it and want it how I want it. As a result my desire for justice lends itself toward a tendency to judge, which ultimately isn't up to me.

No where has this been more true for over a decade than with Ray Lewis.  I absolutely hated that he "got away with murder" as I frequently lamented whenever the Ravens were on TV. My desire to be right spilled out tonight a I watched the game tonight with my wife and my three boys. The boys were super interested in the story and ready to jump on the judgement bandwagon. I was pleased and then just as quickly startled by what I was passing on to my boys. Instead of preaching Ray's redemption I was passing on my own tainted tendency.

Justice is by no means a bad thing and certainly something I hope my boys will desire too. But I need to be right in how I determine righteousness, primarily that it is not up to me to determine. By all accounts Ray has found righteousness in the only way that matters,in Christ, and that is something I should celebrate - not suppress.

Tonight as my mind was changing I appreciated my wife's level headedness and this article. Go Ravens! Go Ray!


  1. The Ray Lewis story is absolutely astonishing, and one that I doubt we'll see again in pro sports. Did he murder someone? I doubt it, but I'm sure he was involved in a fashion that warranted a prison sentence and the justice system didn't properly prosecute. What's crazy is he took his second chance and turned himself into the baddest, toughest, craziest, most dangerous man on the field, while simultaneously being the most respected and beloved defensive player of his generation.

    The Ravens have been my favorite AFC team since I started paying attention to football a couple 13-14 years ago, and Ray has always been a big part of that. It's great to see him put a team on his back (after doctors told him he was done for the year when his bicep was torn from the bone less than 3 months ago) and make another run at a championship.

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  3. So,,,, it's March 4. I miss reading the blog. Let's see some more posts.
