
Sunday, September 23, 2012

So Close Yet So Far Away

About a week ago a friend of mine took me by surprise with a pretty simple question, “How can I get to know you better?” I wasn’t sure what to say. What don’t you know? My life is an open book. Ask me anything, I guess? We left it about right there.
I’ve known this guy for over 12 years. We go to church together, we’ve ridden bike together, and we even lived a block from each other before wither one of us knew we existed. In percentage of time, proximity and consistency this is one of the people I have spent the most time with. But what do we know about each other? We both ride bikes, we know where each other works, we know each other’s kids… What else?
If I look around I can see that this represents one of the most reliable norms in my life. What do I know about my friends and what do they know about me? We are all so close, yet in many real ways so far away. In many ways this is what I want, because it is easiest, but is it what's best?

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