
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Essentials: Knots (Part 3)

I want to tread lightly on the whole area of knot heads.  Urban Dictionary's definition clearly states that the term is not always, or even typically, used as a positive description.  Indeed encounters with some extreme advocates on either side of the evolution creation discussion can yield close encounters of the knot head kind.
The urban dictionary page is quite useful in describing the various forms of knot head, one of which illustrates a potential cause for the condition, namely circular thinking.  Attempts at reading some of both creationist and evolutionary evangelists can be painful exercises in circular thinking because many authors are so convinced of their position that they rely heavily on their correctness to prove their position.  This goes for both evolutionists and creationists and is most unfortunate.
A knot head isn’t something anyone would prefer to be characterized as and not usually what you think of when you think of smart and educated people.  We need to be careful to actually look at the progressions of evidence in front of us while being aware of ourselves, and the bias we bring, to see if we are reading the evidence or admiring the reflection we might be seeing in it.


  1. Now that you've given some thought to knots, I think it's time for you to share some thoughts about rope. I know you have some. Knot that I want to tell you what to do.

  2. I do have a nice sturdy rope I got for Christmas this year but I'm still looking for the right time to use it. I'm going to help a friend trim some apple trees this weekend so maybe it can be useful for that. If not I'm just glad to have it on hand for when the time is right!
