Every few years I get my eyes
checked because I think I may need reading glasses but the doc always tells me
that I’m 20/20. The last time I went I
got the same prognosis but the doctor said I had light eye complexion and I
should wear sunglasses. So I did. As it actually went, my wife got them for me,
real nice ones too. You know, doctors orders.
This got me thinking and as I’m getting older and more sensitive to the
elements I’ve started wearing a hat more often as well. I’ve been growing more and more fond of the
idea of a wide brimmed hat and it there is a nice selection of sporty items at
Cabela’s and I even saw one for about three bucks at Ax-Man. Problem is the misses won’t have any of it. Perhaps I can get the eye doc to write a prescription.
A prescription won't help, in this case. You look hot in a baseball hat. Not so much in an old, unturned cowboy hat from Oriental Trading.