
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jarvis is here-beware

The A330 turns out to be a super advanced airplane. I knew that it was fly by wire, using signals to engage the flight controls rather than directly connecting pulls of the yolk and pushes of the pedals to movements of the control surfaces. What I didn't know is that when the airplane is working the advanced controls are so smart that the pilots play the flight like a video game and the controls do the rest. The aviator nearly moves from aviator to arcadist.

This isn't to say that we should have pimply pilots because in the event that the plane doesn't fy itself we need to have trained and savvy professionals to provide safe passage in moments of danger.

Pretty interesting is that as the tech in the plane makes the flight safer it also makes the pilots less likely to know how to fly the plane and therefore the very thing that was meant to protect the public actually creates its own problems. I guess it will be back to the drawing board as the new problems seek better, if not more simple solutions.

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