
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution 2012

Hours before the new year in 2010 my wife Amy and I sat with some friends thinking about new year’s resolutions. We decided to give up hamburgers and French fries and I expanded my resolution to ban all fast food. As of 12:00 this morning we officially made it through 2011 without eating burgers or fries and I haven’t eaten fast food.

This may be the first new year’s resolution I have ever maintained for the entire year. We chose our 2011 resolution because we like a good challenge and we thought it would help us eat better and eat out less. We definitely ate out less and as a result we may have eaten a little better but while this was a pretty nice accomplishment it wasn't really as hard as I thought it would be. After only a few weeks I didn't really crave burgers or fries at all and just the smell and appearance of fast food became increasingly unappealing.

I think the resolution was easier than I originally anticipated because it was a resolution of omission. It certainly helped that Amy and I went through our burgerless year together. If I would have had to watch Amy eat burgers all year I would have had a harder time abstaining. But even when we were with friends at a barbeque or eating at a restaurant we really didn't have to do anything in order to accomplish our goals. All we really had to do was not eat the foods we had chosen to not eat.

With the success of 2011 in the rear view mirror I thought I'd step up my game and go for a more active resolution. This year I am resolved to write daily and post on this blog. Like 2011 this will be a good challenge and it will also be good for me. I want to be someone who writes. I also know that writing helps me sort through and focus my ideas. This blog is called Resolution because it represents my new year’s resolution for 2012 but also because it will be a place to resolve ideas as I practice writing and thinking.


  1. Boss, great first post...I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I am looking forward to reading this blog throughout 2012 and even making a guest appearance if ever needed. I have thought about blogging myself and who knows, maybe I will as well. I always thought I didn't have enough to write about, but when up you take everything that happens in your life, you really have a lot to write about and like you said, it can make you sort through and focus on ideas. That sounds like something that I just might need as well! Happy Monday off....see you on Tuesday!

  2. In my life, I don't know if I've ever had 365 rational thoughts.
    Wish you luck on this, homie!
